A roadmap out of lockdown! This is possibly the most exciting thing that I’ve heard. Ever.
It means I can at some point get back into the workshop and see people again.
Since this all started, Will’s been telling me not much is going on, but actually I’ve been seeing loads of things popping up on the website – so I know he’s far busier than he’s letting on.
For starters there’s a new range of sunset bowls – check them out – I particularly like the orange in this range.
And he’s being kept particularly busy thanks to the likes of Mother’s Day, Easter, and all those other significant dates that creep up on us. There’s even talk about Christmas already – getting sorted early this year.
We’re really excited to be collaborating on a number of projects with the award-winning and fabulous Craft House Chocolate, based just down the road in Somerton.
Our only concern is that dreams of weight loss and summer-ready bodies may be scuppered by working so closely alongside a pair of ace chocolatiers!
The first offering is for Mothers’ Day – Will’s bespoke gin glasses filled with decadent gin truffles.
We’ve also got some exciting Easter treats lined up as well so watch out for more news on them.
A ‘not-busy-at-all’ Will has also been pre-empting Brexit issues and has ordered a heap of new blowing irons, and tells me this is a huge source of frustration, as is ordering cullet and colour and all the other things that glassblowers need from Europe.
Life is pretty strange at the moment, that’s for sure.
BUT - the light is as the end of the tunnel and the roadmap of joy tells us that April 12this the day of re-opening and seeing people. Having been cooped up for so long, Johnny will no doubt be talking relentlessly to anyone who cares to listen (we recommend bringing a pair of ear defenders if you come and visit).
Throughout this whole time you’ve been ordering through the website and kept our spirits up, so thank you to all our customers for your support – we know they’re challenging times for everyone.
We really can’t wait to welcome you back again, and if you see me lurking in the workshop it’s because I need to get some more juicy gossip to report back. It’s been TOOOOO long!