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Nougat Large Bowl 16116

Regular price £249.00
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I am an inveterate pebble collector with a particular liking for ones that are nice and stripy. However, on holiday in Crete with my family we came across a beach that just had the most amazing spotty pebbles. I was quite happily scouring the bit of beach where the tide just reaches and collecting pebbles and ideas - in a world of my own, when this range just almost appeared complete in my head. I had not noticed the beach filling up. And it was only when a volleyball hit my feet and I looked up to be confronted by a large exceedingly naked German lady that I realised that I was the only one with any clothes on......It is not such a big leap of faith to then get to the finished range of bowls, vases and perfume bottles you see here. 

Height 175mm, diameter 185mm.