Quantox Commotion 'Ghost'

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Whenever I come up with a new range, there is always a period of instability, I have an idea in my mind and I'm struggling to make the pieces as close to that as I can. And then there are the offshoots or feedbacks. I make a piece and that piece feeds back more possibilities - different colours, shapes or texture.

These three pieces are part of the Quantox Commotion range. The concept was sparked from an Autumn scene of leaves and trees caught in the golden evening sun.

Golds, reds, russets and ambers.

However I often find myself getting back to the car in gloom. Taking pictures of trees in fading light. My phone does a great job of equalising all the light out - annoyingly -because I love the ghostly silver birches. Appearing out of the dark, they have an ethereal quality that I am trying to catch.

The closest analogy that i can think of is photography - old photography, where you set up a shot, bracketed the exposures and then had to go and get the film developed.

In glassblowing you set up the colours, make the pieces and put them away in the lehr until the next day.

These three pieces are part of that process.

Ghost 1 - h 230mm, w 120mm